Monday, March 24, 2025

We Are Catholics, NOT ROMAN Catholics


The Name of the Catholic Church: A Clarification

As Catholics, we do not refer to ourselves as "Roman Catholics," nor do we officially call our Church the "Roman Catholic Church." The true and historic name of the Church is simply the Catholic Church—the universal Church founded by Jesus Christ upon Peter (Matthew 16:18).

While it is true that in some places, particularly in legal and governmental contexts, the term "Roman Catholic Church" is used as an official designation, this is not the Church’s proper name. The use of this term as a primary identifier is often a misunderstanding at best, and at worst, a deliberate attempt to imply that Catholicism is merely a regional or Romanized version of Christianity, rather than the original Church established by Christ.

The Protestant and Anti-Catholic Origins of "Roman Catholic"

Historically, the term "Roman Catholic" was not coined by the Church itself but was instead imposed by Protestant groups as a way of reducing the Catholic Church’s claim to universality. The intention behind this was to imply that Catholicism was only one "branch" of Christianity, limited to Rome, while other Christian groups (such as Anglicans and Protestants) were equally valid expressions of the faith.

Moreover, the term has often been associated with anti-Catholic rhetoric. Just as terms like "Romanism" and "Romanist" have been used in a derogatory manner to suggest that Catholics worship the Pope or practice pagan Roman traditions, the phrase "Roman Catholic" has frequently been employed by those seeking to portray Catholicism as a man-made institution rooted in Rome rather than in Christ.

Why "Roman Catholic" is a Misnomer

  1. The Catholic Church is Universal, Not Merely Roman

    • The word "Catholic" means "universal" and has been used since the earliest days of Christianity to describe the Church that Christ founded.

    • St. Ignatius of Antioch (c. A.D. 107) was the first to explicitly use the term "Catholic Church" in his Letter to the Smyrnaeans:

      "Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church."

  2. The Church Has Multiple Rites, Not Just the Roman Rite

    • While most Catholics in the West attend the Latin Rite (often called the "Roman Rite"), there are 23 Eastern Catholic Churches in full communion with Rome, each with its own liturgical traditions and spiritual heritage. These include:

      • The Byzantine Catholic Church

      • The Maronite Catholic Church

      • The Chaldean Catholic Church

      • The Melkite Catholic Church, etc.

    • To call the Church "Roman Catholic" ignores these rich traditions and falsely suggests that Catholicism is exclusively tied to Rome.

  3. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome, But the Church is Not Centered on Rome Alone

    • The Pope, as the Successor of St. Peter, is the visible head of the Catholic Church. He happens to be the Bishop of Rome, but his role is not about Roman identity—it is about Christ’s commission to Peter (John 21:15-17).

    • The Pope’s authority does not come from being the Bishop of Rome per se, but from his apostolic succession to St. Peter, whom Christ established as the chief shepherd of His Church (Matthew 16:18-19).

We Are Catholics, Not "Roman" Catholics

Yes, the Pope resides in Rome. Yes, many Catholics belong to the Roman Rite. But we do not worship Rome, and our faith is not a Roman invention. We are simply Catholics—members of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, established by Jesus Christ Himself.

To insist on calling the Church "Roman Catholic" is to misunderstand or distort its true identity. Those who use this term to imply that we are merely a "Roman sect" are as mistaken as those who refer to Catholic doctrine as "Romanism."

The Catholic Church is not Roman—it is universal. It belongs not to Rome, but to Christ.

A Final Word to Those Seeking to Convert Catholics

If your goal is to convert me away from my Catholic faith, using the term "Roman Catholic" is not a great start. It's a label imposed by those outside the Church, often with condescending or polemical intent. If you address me that way, don’t expect a debate—just expect a blank stare. Because I am not a "Roman" Catholic.

I am simply Catholic.

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